Pope Wainwright has designed the exclusive launch space for the BlackBerry Passport device at Selfridges. Large black cubes are situated along the technology walkway at Selfridges, creating a pull through to the BlackBerry shop-in-shop in London. The cubes create a simple yet impactful space, with perforated detail and graphic tabs inspired by technology, security and the BlackBerry core identity.
The units are displayed with merchandise that highlights the premium feel of the BlackBerry Passport. The displays are tailored to both male and female lifestyles to suit the device and business style. Before the launch, small boxes covered the devices in the walkway with a slight opacity to allow the live screens to shine through. This created hype for the launch and the boxes were removed to reveal the BlackBerry Passport devices at the specified launch time and date.
Pope Wainwright’s design for the BlackBerry Passport launch has been rolled out to Selfridges’ regional stores at Manchester Exchange, Manchester Trafford Centre and the Bullring in Birmingham. The BlackBerry Passport device was launched worldwide on 24th September 2014.