A café in a modernist tenement house located in the very heart of the city, at Świętojańska street. Its project has been inspired by the spirit of the Roaring Twenties, as the house was built in 1920s. The original mirror tiles on the façade are a foretaste of what awaits inside.
The most exposed element of the interior, which always impresses the guests, is the wall created from 2740 teacups. The unconventionality of the project showed while seeking a company to produce teacups with openings, which were necessary to create the
It is interesting to note that the entire process had to take place before firing the ceramics in order not to produce too much waste. Thanks to the architect’s commitment and trust shown by the investor the final effect leaves all guests in awe. Multiple wooden elements, vintage posters and a logo designed especially for the café add special flavour to the interior.
Architects: Ideograf Paulina Czurak Design Studio
Design: Team Ideograf Paulina Czurak Design Studio
Photographs: TNowicki.com

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