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We embark on this thorough brand building project, with genuinely authentic & thoughtful products at the core. Working closely with the roaster and founder of Vietnam Coffee Republic, we involved ourselves in every step of the product creation process, from bean selection to our favorite part: enjoying every cup.

The concept of the packaging design was to outwardly “express” the “feeling” of each of the coffee blend, an aim that our client was more keen in. We employed the most basic and essential of design tools at our disposal: typography, colors, patterns, iconography, copywriting, bespoke printing… combining with the unique naming for each variant of blend.

We decidedly went against the norm in the Vietnamese coffee market to be subtle, simple, and ultimately helpful to the consumers. The joy of the project was not about finding a new or unique way to “scream” out about the “coffee”, but to stay true to the mission of the whole brand: connecting like-minded coffee lovers. A republic where Vietnam is the beginning.

Design: Blank Co.

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