Fotis Evans bridges the architecture and design worlds in the Madison Avenue Hermès window displays, combining the raw urban aesthetic of Manhattan with physics-defying surrealism. Evans uses sculptural furniture to fabricate an alternate reality that mirrors the city streets outside, featuring architectural volumes constructed and cut out from aged and stained materials such as bricks, concrete, brass beams, rusted steel and blackened iron. Fotis Evans works with Dadaist and surrealist techniques like bulletism, collage and fumage to propose a new sculptural furniture world of cabinets and dressers.
The structures themselves challenge the laws of physics by balancing and hanging at odd angles. Mirrored stainless-steel details interact with products displayed in the installations and with the clamour of the infinite movement on Madison Avenue, echoing the Hermès tradition of translating design details from one métier to another – like horse-saddle straps, ropes, rings, and stirrups – which can be found incorporated in the brand’s handbags, scarves, belts, and jewelry.
Design: Fotis Evans

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