Daemyung SOL BEACH HOTEL & RESORT is an ocean theme resort located on Samcheok beach. It is composed of various facilities included restaurant, café, singing room, pup and etc. The design is the result of collaboration between DAEMYUNG LEISURE INDUSTRY and DESIGN BONO.
As motivating the scenery of Santorini, Greek, the Hotel & Resort is considered the geographical position and Korean traditional identities. We can take a rest with the outlook of the ocean.
By designing with the nature elements such as wind, waves and water on object, the designer shows sustainable design not only for following Santorini architecture. Due to each space have different identities, it is a various features can be seen. After several reviews and modifications, there were some changes from the initial design. Because it is a resort & hotel that many customers stay, therefore it was a process that surely passed through.
Lobby, Bakery, Hyugos buffet
SOL BEACH HOTEL & RESORT have each lobby. The construction elements such as ceilings and walls are covered with bright cream color like sand. Even if there are some same design points on the ceiling, two spaces have totally different mood. Lobby in hotel is designed elegantly by using simple lines and mass. On the other hand, lobby in resort is designed lively with curves. The resort is connected to Hyugos Buffet and bakery ‘Pane cucina’.
Hyugos Buffet and bakery ‘Pane cucina’ are opened place. These two spaces are designed without wall. An object on the top and the huge mass that shaped the rock in the ocean are the point design element for these two spaces. Especially, the design motivation of ceiling object and chandelier are from the seashell and coral reef. To people can get entire nature in, the windows are enlarged and the seats are placed comfortably.
Le Grand Chef
Le Grand Chef which concept of Greek architecture is BBQ restaurant located in outside of Santorini square. The arch shape structure which is composed by natural stone, wood and tile balances the space and harmonizes with surrounding. The floor stone is continued to outside square, so as to make the square looks huge.
Photography by Pyo-jun, Lee

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