switchup achieved the collaborative office design for the human resource platform, Jolt, located in Tel Aviv, Israel. Jolt is an educational technology company that provides prospective “students” with an alternative to a traditional MBA program. Their courses and educational programing is highly customizable and can be completed either on its campus or in individuals’ offices. Because Jolt is a highly innovative company in the business of changing the shape of post-secondary education, SwitchUP sought to design a workspace builds on the idea of growth, both in learning and in career, as well as providing plenty of spaces for collaborative learning for both students and employees.
The central lounge area of Jolt shows their sign made up of purple florals. It appears to be a living aspect of the wall, and reminds visitors and employers that they are there to plant ideas and watch them bloom. The couches provide both a space for students to wait to meet with instructors and study and evoke a mature look accented with dark end tables. Both growth and maturity will become central themes in this design.
Beyond the lounge area are several cafeteria style long tables offering individuals an area to meet over lunch, work on projects together, or quietly get a bite to eat. The cafeteria style references traditional dining spaces in educational buildings without being too on the nose.
Either side of this space is accented by greenery creeping around the perimeters of meeting rooms.
Design: switchup
Photography: Yoav Gurin

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