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In the heart of New York City, a 6-m-long shipping container has been converted into a transportable restaurant. ‘The SnackBox had to stand out in this visually saturated environment,’ says entrepreneur Jonathan Morr, who created the project alongside ÆDIFICA & MüvBox. The pop-up restaurant is used on Broadway in a section closed to vehicular traffic. By night, the box is closed and locked; by day, the upper walls pivot upwards to create steel awnings.

Completely self-sufficient, the box has its own water supply tanks embedded in the floor. Power comes from a hybrid energy system that combines electric batteries and a generator. ‘The elaboration and development of SnackBox’s visual identity gives a “NY personality” to the pop-up restaurant,’ Morr says. SnackBox was recently awarded prizes at the Retail Design Institute’s International Store Design Competition 2011, in the categories of Pop Up Store/Shop and Special Awards.

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