Desigual is characterized by its optimistic differential designs that are full of colour. The firm started its activity under the leitmotif ‘Desigual, it’s not the same’ in 1984. In recent years, the company has registered sustained growth greater than 50% per year and employs 3,800 people, from 85 different nationalities. Desigual closed 2012 with a world presence of 350 Desigual brand stores, 10,000 multi-brand stores, 1,800 sections in major department stores, and 18 countries with E-commerce.
We dress people, not bodies. Our clothes are an invitation to live life and are full of messages. They seek to inspire whoever wears or sees them. With our clothes, we hope to convey the message that there is always a different, positive, fun option: The Desigual Experience… it is not the same.
Photographer: Zsolt Istvan Posta
Images courtesy of RetailDesignBlog