Creativevents – The Food & Drink Co, has designed a 100% British restaurant and bar menu to tempt and refresh visitors at this year’s 100% Design London taking place from 23-26 September 2010 at Earls Court. Inspired by the theme “Stretch Your Space”, the central bar and restaurant of the show celebrate 100% British Food fortnight with Head Chef Alex Hall, pub classics and well-known dishes get a designer twist.
Choose between ‘little bites’ of pressed ham hock terrine with fried quails egg and triple cooked chips, plantation pork (from Surrey’s plantation pigs), sausage with beer infused mustard mash and onion rings, or Goats cheese curd with herbs on toast to tantalise those designer taste buds. Boasting main courses such as herb crusted fillet of trout, red wine poached Kentish pear served with stilton & pickled walnuts, and desserts like honey and cinnamon glazed apple tart and the classic Eton Mess, there is something for everyone at the stylish restaurant.
Designed by JAM, creative directors of 100% Design 2010, this year, the Restaurant takes a different approach, with a less formal eating space including yellow bungee cords! The Restaurant itself takes centre stage of the show. Based on the style of refectory eating, the space provides open and semi-open environments, and delivers a three-dimensional representation of the bold show graphics. Creativevents was established in 1997 courtesy of Adrian and Ian Willson, funded by the Princes Trust. It provides catering for a wide range of indoor and outdoor venues.