Louis Vuitton makes a bold move in Tokyo by opening a new store in the shopping district of Shinjuku. The French luxury house already operates two boutiques in the area, but has now added its first standalone store on street level. Strategically located a few blocks away from Shinjuku station, one of the city’s major transportation hubs, it occupies two expansive floors of a modern structure which features a newly redeveloped façade with the brand’s signature damier pattern and, especially for the opening, balloon-infused window installations by Vuitton fan and american film director Sofia Coppola. The shop is a serene oasis of polished timber, glass and furnishings similar to other Louis Vuitton stores across the planet.
However, there’s a major feature that makes it unique and that’s the stunning light sculpture by Korean artist Do-Ho Suh which swirls down from the the ceiling of the top floor inside a spiral staircase. Entitled cause and effect, the artwork consists of approx. 42,000 acrylic resin figurines in various gradations of orange, set in a frame work of aluminium and stainless steel. On the ground floor of the new Louis Vuitton store women’s bags, small leather goods and accessories are presented, while one floor up shoppers can find men’s items, luggage pieces and the women’s ready-to-wear collection.
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