The main objective for TDC&Co. was to really unpack the current store format, challenge the status quo, and develop fresh approach to large format store experience. We had to understand that Checkers Hyper is a large format store franchise (± 6000m2 – 12000m2), offering a full range of grocery, full service butcher, baker, fishery, deli, cheese and café, as well as an in-store pharmacy, liquor store and a wide range of general merchandise.
To fully meet the expectations of the client brief, we really had to start from the beginning. All in-store communication, way-finding, packaging, shelf talkers, signage, fixtures and fittings had to be reworked and re invented.
The first major change was to move and separate all the general merchandise from their current position, at the front of the store, to the back and left hand side of the store perimeter. In doing this, we opened up greater site lines and created a clearer navigation for the shoppers. Secondly, we clustered all the service offers to the right hand side of the perimeter, leading through to the back of the store. This developed clear shopping nodes and eased navigation.
Much of the design input was directed in creating the ‘urban market’, making it the heart of the store and main service node. This was anchored by a “wine cellar” to direct the shopper through the store into this market space. Every service offer in this node has its own look and feel, and has been enhanced by the use of very tactile finishes that reflect the offer. We wanted to create a feeling the butcher is owned by an independent butcher and so on.
The results of the last two years work is a store that, we believe, has taken Checkers Hyper from just a supermarket to a destination the shopper will really choose to visit. There is a mood and ambiance that encourages the shopper to linger and spend some time, without being a grudge mission. We’ve learnt that patience and hard work produces result. By building lasting relationships, we grow and morph this brand into being the leading food retailer in its class.
Photography by Graeme Wyllie

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