This design demystifies the usual commercial exhibition format, inspiring the visitors with the genuine
fakeness of a mise-en-scène. It’s a great theatrical machine where scenic constructions restore a different
visual interpretation of the ceramic material.
The exhibition space is divided in two distinct areas. The first one – characterized by monolithic volumes and
large spatial geometries – is an instagramable context interplaying with the visitors and creating memory.
The other one overpasses the usual classification of interior spaces presenting crossover environments with
a drama feel, such as a room of Lynchian inspiration where the disquieting beauty of an obsessive black and
white marble floor is embraced by a red curtain.
client | kale group
trade show | cersaie 2018, bologna IT
creative direction | paolo cesaretti
design team | paolo cesaretti | marianna cristofaro | camilla vallini | with simone cardia
visual design | claudia astarita
contractor | la bottega
area | 700 sqm
photo | lorenzo pennati | luca rotondo
postproduction | lorenzo pennati
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