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Inspired by the unwavering dedication of marines, Moonshine Marine stands as our in-house conceptual masterpiece, reflecting the culmination of meticulous efforts from ideation to execution. Through the integration of 3D digitals, retro typefaces, and other artistic elements, we have elegantly crafted this bottle, evoking a captivating sense of timeless charm.

Designed with utmost stoutness and sophistication, and embedded with minute details of a bullet-shaped cork and colours inspired by maritime flags that bring out the spirit of the sea, Moonshine Marine is a project that has brought us immense glory and earned us prestigious accolades. Marines spend a lifetime and more knowing that they’ve made a difference in the world. With Moonshine Marine, we honor their legacy and celebrate the eternal commitment they hold. From charting coordinates to taking inspiration from those Jerry cans, we couldn’t have asked for a better wave to ride!

POTW Curator’s Insight
Did you notice the cork shaped like a bullet? It’s more than a cap; it’s a symbol, a salute to marines’ unwavering dedication

Designed by The Neat Trick


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